The memory of smoke

The memory of smoke

Friday, August 30, 2019


My eldest brother is more smarter than kid sis.

Let not your heart be troubled I would love some pictures I can not write a lot right now but will be back later I do not live on my computer so my mail tends to backup bye for now David


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Not what I expected, although they say...

My mother is dead, and the sense of relief is swamped by an overwhelming physical reaction. I can't seem to stop sobbing, even when there is no thought in my head. I'm not perseverating.

My whole body is in a kind of shock.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

No, I'm not kidding.

Obsessing last night about my last day before retirement, and not being there for it. I don't trust that enough people will do what we did for Greg, and insist that No, it is not Wanted by the Guest of Honor. I plan to be a no-call, no-show on my last day, only letting my manager (if that person can be trusted) know ahead of time.

Fuck that shit.